Category How Fair is North East Scotland

How Fair is North East Scotland?

New! Some data from the 2022 Census has been released – browse it here: Census 2022. In 2010, the Equality & Human Rights Commission produced a report called How Fair is Britain?, looking at how different groups of people experience…

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A Vision for Grampian

Much of the work in the coming years will be shaped by challenges from Brexit, Covid-19 and other global issues like climate change and conflict-driven migration, especially in terms of providing support for the most vulnerable people in our communities.…

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Social Connections: Bridges, Bonds and Links

Please click each section heading for the full text of that section. 1. Social bonds (connections within a community defined by, for example, ethnic, national or religious identity); 2. Social bridges (with members of other communities); and 3. Social links…

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Please click each section heading for the full text of that section. The consequences of pandemic-related disruption remain to be seen, but it is important to remember that many ethnic minority families face the interconnected challenges of low-wage or insecure…

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