Equalities Participation Network

This page has all the information from the Aberdeen Equalities Participation Network. Please scroll down for details of the next meeting, documents, links, and information from previous meetings. Any questions, please email mhaywood@grec.co.uk.

What it’s all about – Network Summary – aims and values (PDF)

Next Meeting: Thursday 26 September, 4:00-5:30pm, in person!

Documents & Links

Notes & Information from Previous Meetings

29 August 2024: ACC Budget Consultation

27 June 2024: Guide Dogs & Assistance Dogs

30 May 2024: Aberdeen City Council BSL Plan

25 April 2024: Support for Victims of Gender Based Violence

28 March 2024: No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

25 January 2024: Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership (also introduction to Mamacita Foundation)

30 November 2023: Review of the year and planning for 2024

26 October 2023: ACC Budget Consultation

28 September 2023: Discussion of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Event, and Locality Plan Refresh Engagement

31 August 2023: Scottish Human Rights Bill Consultation

29 June 2023: Accessibility features on ACC website

25 May 2023: Discussion of EPN format, focus, etc.

30 March 2023: Community Empowerment & Community Councils

24 November 2022: Civic Participation

3 November 2022: Recruitment at ACC

29 September 2022: instead of a regular meeting, EPN members were invited to an event with Police Scotland on reporting hate crime.

25 August 2022: Funding for Community Groups

30 June 2022: Cost of Living, benefits and energy bills

26 May 2022: Council Housing

21 April 2022: Hate Crime

24 March 2022: Equality Outcomes Action Plan. Spotlight: Cyrenians & Somebody Cares.

24 February 2022: Equality Outcomes & City Voice. Spotlight: GREC.

3 February 2022: City Centre Masterplan. Spotlight: North East Sensory Services.

25 November 2021: Planning for 2022. Spotlight: Aberdeen Action on Disability

28 October 2021: Accessible & Welcoming Spaces.

30 September 2021: EPN members attended an event by Community Planning Aberdeen.

26 August 2021: ACC Recruitment. Spotlight: Autism Awareness Scotland.

24 June 2021: City Centre Masterplan. Spotlight: Aberdeen Women’s Alliance.

27 May 2021: Topic: Accessing ACC Services. Spotlight: Fountain of Love.

29 April 2021: What makes good community engagement? Spotlight: Four Pillars.

24 March 2021: Meeting notes (PDF)

18 February 2021: Meeting notes (PDF)