GREC is committed to taking an evidence-based approach, looking to identify and develop the most effective approaches to reducing discrimination and creating a fairer and more equal society in the North East of Scotland. To enquire about GREC delivering research for your organisation, please get in touch!
Recent Publications
Anti-Racism Community Engagement Fund Report (December 2024). GREC carried out six focus groups with different ethnic minority communities in Aberdeen, to discuss their experiences of systemic racism and suggestions of Scotland’s new Anti-Racist Observatory. Full Report (15 pages) / Summary (5 pages) (both pdf).
Open the Door: Migrants Facing Financial Disadvantage and their Needs for Support (October 2024). GREC carried out fieldwork for this Scotland-wide research project with Migration Policy Scotland. Full Report / Policy Briefing / Executive Summary (all pdf).
Public Engagement and Research in North East Scotland: Perspectives from Ethnic Minority Communities (December 2023) Report on a small scale research project funded by Research Data Scotland. One-page Summary (pdf).
Position Paper: New Scots Resettlement (May 2023)
Ally Groups Literature Review (March 2023)
Includes relevant experiences and research about strategies, good practice and study results of Ally groups working to tackle violence against women and girls.
Free Bus Travel for People Seeking Asylum, the Experience in Aberdeen (December 2022) policy briefing including evidence from a free local transport scheme for people seeking asylum.
Institutional and Systemic Discrimination (August 2022)
Discussion paper to better understand and reflect on the concepts of institutional and systemic racism/discrimination and the issues that stem from it at a Grampian and Scotland level. We plan to develop and adapt the content of this paper based on the feedback it provokes. Please share your thoughts about it through this form:
Grampian Health & Diversity Network (March 2022)
Main findings (project report) and summary from the second phase of implementation of this project aiming to empower community members from ethnic minorities to become health champions for their communities.
The Nationality and Borders Act (May 2022)
Position paper reviewing the Nationality and Borders Act implications and the damaging effect GREC believes it will have on equality, human rights, and community cohesion.
How Fair is North East Scotland? (December 2021)
Based on the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s publications, “How fair is the UK?” and “How Fair is Scotland?,” this document considers the experience of ethnic minorities in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray. It brings together statistics and relevant local research on employment, housing, education, health, social connections, language and public safety, and identifies gaps where more data is needed to assess the outcomes of public policy. Now in a more user-friendly online format.
Grampian Health & Diversity Network: Main Findings, Initial Phase (August 2021)
Main Findings from the first phase of this project (March to July 2021), whose goal was to empower community members from ethnic minorities to become health champions for their communities by: 1) Increasing awareness on information around COVID-19, the vaccine rollout, and other key health messages and 2) Increasing participation in designing and improving health services.
Briefing: the Human Cost of Brexit (March 2021)
Report and recomendations, from the Shared Futures Group and No Recourse North East partnership.
Experiences of Chinese, East and South-East Asian Communities during COVID-19 in Scotland (March 2021)
Research carried out by the Scottish Alliance of Regional Equality Councils (SAREC), after reports of COVID-19 related abuse towards Chinese, East and South-East Asian communities.
Grampian Hate Crime: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
Annual overviews of hate crimes reported to the police, along with prejudice incidents reported to GREC and other Third Party Reporting Centres. Including number of incidents, motivation, incident type, location, and victim characteristics. Also: Aberdeen City Hate Crime briefing, 2019.
Policy & Research Publications by Date
- Policy Briefing: Free Bus Travel for People Seeking Asylum
- Grampian Health & Diversity Network: Project Report / Executive Summary
- Discussion Paper: Institutional and Systemic Discrimination
- Position Paper: The Nationality and Borders Act
- Grampian Hate Crime Overview (2021)
- How Fair is North East Scotland?
- Briefing: the Human Cost of Brexit
- Experiences of Chinese, East and South-East Asian Communities during COVID-19 in Scotland
- Grampian Hate Crime Overview (2020)
- Grampian Health & Diversity Network: Main Findings, Initial Phase
- How Fair is North East Scotland? Integration and Community Cohesion
- Grampian Hate Crime Overview (2017)
- Gypsy/Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment – Report / Summary
- New Pathways to Healthier Lives Report
- Ethnic Minority Health Link Project:
Migrant Pathways and Journeys in Aberdeen - Grampian Hate Crime Overview (2016)
- Ethnic Minority Health Link Project:
- Tackling Economic Barriers Project:
- Economic Experiences of Different Ethnic Groups: Final Summary Report (2017)
- Interim Summary Report (2016)
- Resource Document