Shared futures, not divided communities
GREC statement: April 20th, 2023
As an organisation with a mission to tackle discrimination and advance equality in the Grampian region, we are disappointed to hear about the visit of Nigel Farage to Aberdeen today. We believe that political and media narratives, particularly within the last year, are increasingly stoking prejudice and hostility towards minority and marginalised groups, including people trying to seek refuge and asylum. These narratives empower people to undertake acts of racism and prejudice, like the shocking incidents we heard this week with racist posters distributed around the city.
Aberdeen and the North East has a proud history of welcoming people from around the world, and in times of turmoil and economic crisis, it’s crucial that we continue to work together to create more inclusive and cohesive communities.
If you want to find out more about how we can move towards more inclusive communities, you can join the Shared Futures event Welcoming people seeking asylum and other New Scots to Aberdeen. In this event we will learn about the changes to where people seeking asylum in the UK are housed and explore how can communities provide an active welcome to people fleeing persecution and war. Register by clicking here: