New Scots Digital Inclusion Project

This project supports New Scots (Syrian refugees) to develop their digital skills, gain access to IT equipment, and improve digital inclusion in their community. It builds on learning from the Carnegie UK Trust’s ‘Learning from Lockdown’ report (October 2020), which identified three key themes:

  • Digital access to infrastructure and kit;
  • Digital access in terms of affordability;
  • Digital confidence in terms of developing skills and opportunities.

We work together to learn from and share experiences, establish existing capacity/provision, and begin to identify gaps, towards identifying solutions. We also develop and deliver specific digital training and tailored courses to fit all ages, genders and levels, and build relationships with existing providers.

For more information, please contact Sahar Abdulla:

The project is part of Connecting Scotland, supporting everyone in Scotland to get online. It is also part funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, making management of migration flows more efficient across the European Union.