Summary & Priorities – Social Connections

It is difficult to find existing data to build a clear picture of the social bridges, bonds and links that support integration across diverse communities. Most of the evidence that we have comes from four community surveys, the most recent undertaken in 2020 . On the whole, the results of the surveys are positive as they consistently show a high proportion of ethnic minorities that felt that Aberdeen or North East Scotland is a welcoming place, and who feel they are part of their local communities. However, for these two indicators there was a decrease in the positive responses between 2017 and 2020 – not noted in the Scottish/British population – which may relate to the implementation of Brexit, as suggested by qualitative evidence.

Findings from 2016-18 surveys suggest that a high proportion of both ethnic minorities and Scottish/British participants are involved in community groups and have friendships across ethnic and language groups. The detrimental effect of Covid-19 in these and other indicators of social connectedness were highlighted by members of ethnic minorities, especially by those involved with faith communities. Considering this alongside the findings in other sections, more research is necessary to look into the experiences and feelings of people (from both ethnic minority and Scottish/British communities), in order to better understand the consequences of the pandemic and Brexit, especially in regeneration areas.


  • Gaining a greater understanding of social bonds, bridges and links within regeneration areas in Grampian.

Data Source:  2021, .