Summary & Priorities – Health

There is limited quantitative evidence to understand health outcomes of ethnic minorities, as ethnicity is not consistently recorded by health services. Existing evidence suggests that Grampian’s poorest areas – in terms of health outcomes – are home to a higher proportion of ethnic minorities.

In terms of satisfaction with health and social care services, local research presents a mixed picture, showing high levels of satisfaction with NHS provision over the years, while also suggesting there is a gap when compared to the Scottish/British population. Lower levels of positive responses are also shown in a series of indicators compared to the Scottish/British population in relation to access to the appropriate health services and information. This reflects issues associated with language barriers and differences between how healthcare works in Scotland compared with other countries.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic more people are experiencing mental health problems, and ethnic minorities are among the hardest hit groups. Evidence gathered both before and during the pandemic indicates that a ‘one size fits all’ approach in the provision of mental health services is problematic for ethnic minorities as cultural nuances might be underestimated.


  • Gain a better understanding of the particular health issues and outcomes of different ethnic groups in Grampian, including health inequalities arising from Covid-19.
  • Address the disparate experiences of those accessing health services in across Grampian, targeting areas with high levels of social deprivation and ethnic minority communities.
  • Increase understanding of the health system in Grampian, highlighting key differences with how things are done outside of the UK.

Data Source:  2021, .
Category:  Summaries
Topics:  Health