Summary & Priorities – Housing

The evidence above highlights some specific housing challenges faced by ethnic minorities in Grampian. Housing problems tend to be most prevalent in more deprived areas, but overall, ethnic minorities in Grampian live with less secure tenure than the Scottish/British population, with worse figures compared to the Scottish average. In addition, levels of over-crowding are noteworthy, despite not differing greatly from the national picture. Examining demographics alongside data on multiple deprivation, it is clear that ethnic minorities are over-represented in both poorer and richer areas, which aligns with findings in the Employment section above.

There are consistent gaps in data on homelessness and ethnicity at a local level, and more work is required to get a clearer understanding of which communities are being affected by homelessness and why. Issues linked to UK- and Scotland-wide policies, such as immigration rules, benefits system changes and the ‘hostile environment’ all affect access to housing as highlighted by recent qualitative data, which suggests that related issues are only becoming more significant as the consequences of Brexit and Covid-19 develop.


  • Gaining a better understanding of the communities most affected by homelessness and why.
  • Ensuring appropriate support is in place for those falling through the gaps of immigration and benefit rules.
  • Raising awareness among those living in over-crowded and poor-quality housing of where to seek information, advice and support.
  • Focused work in areas of deprivation with high proportions of ethnic minorities.

Data Source:  2021, .