- Unemployment: Aberdeen City unemployment rates for most groups were slightly lower than Scotland as a whole: on average 4.1% vs. 5.1%. The highest unemployment rate was among people born in Africa (10.7%), slightly higher than the Scottish average for African-born people (10.6%). Other regions of birth had unemployment rates between 3.4% (Oceania) and 6.1% (Europe, non-EU). The UK-born unemployment rate was 3.8%, and people born outside the UK generally had higher unemployment rates than those born in the UK. In Aberdeenshire and Moray, unemployment rates were considerably lower than the Scottish average, ranging between 2-5%, with UK-born unemployment rates of 2.6% in Aberdeenshire and 3.9% in Moray. As in Aberdeen City, unemployment was higher among people born outside the UK, with the exception of Oceania.
- Full & Part-Time Work: Across Grampian, a higher proportion of all people were in both full-time and part-time work than Scotland as a whole, on average 40.4% and 15.5%, vs. 36.4% and 14.3%. In all areas, the figure was slightly lower than average for people born in the UK, and slightly higher for people born in other European countries. In some cases the gap was considerable: for example, in Aberdeenshire, 60% of EU-born people were in full-time employment, vs. 39.9% of UK-born people. However, for a more complete picture, it is important to consider these figures alongside the types of jobs and industries people are working in (see below).
- Economic Activity & Inactivity: The category ‘Economically Active’ includes people who are working, looking for work, or on short-term sick leave or maternity leave. ‘Economically Inactive’ includes students, retirees, unpaid carers, people who have given up looking for work, and those who are unable to work due to long-term illness or disability.
- Grampian had higher levels of economic activity than the Scottish average: 66.9% vs. 62.8%. The most economically active group was people born in EU Accession (2001-2011) countries, e.g. Eastern Europe: 86.5% in Grampian and 84.2% in Scotland as a whole. The least economically active group was people born in Ireland: 60.2% in Grampian and 53.9% in Scotland as a whole. The figures for UK-born people were 66.2% and 62.5%, and with the exception of Ireland, all other groups had higher rates of economic activity. Across Grampian, more than 70% of adults born in Europe, Africa and Oceania were economically active, which makes sense given the age distribution of these groups (see section 6 on Health below).
Data Source: 2011, Scotland’s Census, Table DC6210SC.