Occupation Types

Note that these are based on ‘colour coded’ data, so do not take into account European minorities.

In some occupations, ethnic minority workers made up a higher proportion than their representation in the population as a whole, most notably in professional occupations in Aberdeen City (12% vs. 7.2%), but also in Aberdeenshire (2.2% vs. 1.4%), Moray (1.6% vs. 0.9%) and Scotland as a whole (4.9% vs. 3.3%). They were also over-represented across Grampian in caring, leisure and service occupations, sales and customer service occupations, and elementary occupations, including ‘low skilled’ jobs in cleaning, delivery, manufacturing, agriculture, construction, etc.

Across Grampian, ethnic minorities were under-represented among the following occupations: managers, directors and senior officials; associate professional and technical; administrative and secretarial; skilled trades. Consistently, the lowest proportion of ethnic minorities was among process, plant and machine operatives: 3.2% in Aberdeen City, 0.8% in Aberdeenshire, and 1.5% in Moray. This category includes many industrial jobs in oil and gas.

Meanwhile, the largest proportion of ethnic minority workers were in professional occupations: 33.1% in Aberdeen City, 26.2% in Aberdeenshire, 19.4% in Moray, and 25.1% in Scotland as a whole. The figure for ‘white’ workers was 19%, 16.1%, 11.3% and 16.5%, respectively.

Data Source:  2011, Scotland’s Census, Table DC6213SC.