New National Insurance Number Registrations for Overseas Nationals, 2002-2020Charts, Tables, Maps & Statistics Data Source: 2020, Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) statistics. Link. HFINES Comment We welcome feedback and new material for How Fair Is North East Scotland - including new data sources and reflections from people who live here. All comments and feedback will be stored securely, and any personally identifying details will be destroyed within 6 months. Any comments that are used on the website or in future research will not include your personal details, and we will not share your details with any other organisation. Type of Feedback * General Comment or Query Contribution - Data Source Contribution - Personal Reflection Other Comment * Name Organisation (if any) Email * Your data - please tick relevant boxes * I have read and understood the information about my data above. Please contact me to follow-up on my comment. Please notify me of future updates to How Fair is North East Scotland. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ Hide comment form. Comments or feedback? Please click here. Tags# Brexit# Demographics# Employment# Immigration