Grampian Gypsy/Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment 2017

Based on interviews, analysis of encampments, broader research and community engagement, this report outlines the current living conditions of the Gypsy/Traveller community in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray. The summary report can be found here:


1. A review of the approach of including the provision of Gypsy/Traveller sites as part of wider housing/accommodation developments (e.g. within Local Development Plans). Although this may not have been successful in the past, the mechanism seems to offer one of the best opportunities in terms of resourcing and planning. Consideration should also be given as to how new sites, and repairs to existing sites, will be funded.

2. Looking at how Gypsy & Traveller communities can realise aspirations with respect to private site development, including working in partnership with agencies such as Planning Aid Scotland. A relatively small investment in this area could lead to a significant change in outcomes for those who want to develop their own sites, and for the community more generally.

3. Working with Gypsy & Traveller communities to explore options for improving the management of encampments and the potential for developing more informal stopping places, e.g. those historically used by Gypsy & Traveller communities before being closed off.

4. Agree joint protocols for data gathering around encampments and needs assessment on an on-going basis. This will allow for richer data and evidence to be developed, which in turn should support the process of site development in the future.

5. The Scottish Government’s Race Equality Action Plan (and associated Framework) should be used as a means to drive forward action at a local level, as well to continue, and enhance, joint working at a regional level. The inclusion of a specific section on
Gypsy/Travellers should also allow for joint working, partnership and input at a national

6. Initiatives to improve relations between Gypsy & Traveller communities and settled communities. It is clear from the national Scottish Attitudinal Survey and the Aberdeen
Viewpoint Survey that negative opinions about Gypsy & Traveller communities remain at a significant level. For long-term positive outcomes this is an issue that will need to be

Data Source:  2017, Grampian Gypsy/Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment 2017. Link.