Grampian Population Ethnicity Data, 2021 – age 40+ only
More recent data is available from NHS Scotland, where (colour coded) ethnicity is recorded with a person’s CHI Number, by health board. In statistics on Covid-19 vaccine uptake, the population for each ethnicity was listed, but only for age 40+. It may be possible to get broader data, though as shown in the table below, a significant number of people are ‘ethnic group unknown.’
Ethnic Group | Number |
Total: All people (AGE 40+) | 318,693 |
White: Scottish | 145,428 |
White: Other British | 49,925 |
White: Irish | 866 |
White: Gypsy/Traveller | 361 |
White: Polish | 2,224 |
White: Other White | 6,630 |
White: Subgroup Unknown | 13,671 |
Asian, Asian Scottish/British | 3,299 |
African, African Scottish/British | 1,267 |
Caribbean, Black, or Caribbean/Black Scottish/British | 320 |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups | 575 |
Arab, Arab Scottish/British | 184 |
Other ethnic groups | 1,496 |
Unknown | 92,447 |
Data Source: 2021, Vaccination Uptake: Individuals in receipt of dose 1 of COVID-19 vaccine up to and including 25 May 2021.
Category: Charts, Tables & Statistics
Topics: Demographics Ethnicity Health