Ethnicities as Percentage of Population, Census 2022

Chart showing the proportions of different ethnicities in the population of Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Scotland as a whole.

Note: Chart above has a lower value of 70%, to more clearly show ethnic minorities. Figures less than 1% omitted, but shown in the table below.

Ethnicities as Percentage of Population, Census 2022

 Aberdeen CityAberdeen shireMorayEdinburghGlasgowScotland
White Scottish or British16852475%24304592%8745994%36836272%45164573%473731387%
White, non Scottish/British2540311%129725%35964%6838213%493848%3145746%
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups39901.8%20740.8%7080.8%128823%106241.7%608991.1%
Caribbean or Black5490.2%2550.1%1110.1%14190.3%14710.2%67800.1%
Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British17830.8%4360.2%1160.1%41190.8%86711.4%223110.4%
Other ethnic group18170.8%6820.3%2360.3%58491.1%79031.3%273110.5%

Data Source:  2022, Census table UV201. Link.