Category _news + views

NHS Grampian resource: “Keep warm, safe and well this winter”
NHS Grampian resource: “Keep warm, safe and well this winter” NHS Grampian have produced the “Keep warm, safe and well this winter” resource and translated it into several languages. “We want you to Stay Happy, Healthy, and Warm this Winter,…

New mental health support directory
New mental health support directory Through our Health and Diversity Project, and working with NHS Grampian and community partners, has developed a new resource, sign-posting organisations and individuals to additional sources of mental health support (over and above what can…

We’ve moved!

Volunteer Opportunity: Community Researcher

Anne Frank Awards 2022

GREC at Grampian Pride!

New Project: Prejudice & Solidarity Archived Throughout History (PATH)

Language Café – 2021 review

How Fair is North East Scotland?

Welcoming people seeking refuge and asylum – a call for change

Return of looted sculpture

Grampian Health & Diversity Network: Main Findings
Grampian Health & Diversity Network is a project implemented by Grampian Regional Equality Council (GREC) and funded by NHS Grampian Endowment Fund. During the first phase of the project, implemented from March to July 2021, its goal was to empower…

GREC Anne Frank Awards 2022 – in partnership with STEP