Similar to the pattern across Scotland, ethnic minorities in Grampian lived with less secure tenure than Scottish/British people. On average, four times more ethnic minority people rent from private landlords than Scottish/British people, and even in Aberdeenshire, where home ownership is highest, less than half of ethnic minority people own their homes, compared with more than three-quarters of Scottish/British people.

This may be partly a function of the age and employment profile of the ethnic minority population, who are on average younger and working in more precarious jobs than their Scottish/British counterparts. Links between age, ethnicity, employment and housing will be fruitful topic to explore when the 2022 census data is released.

Tenancy by Ethnicity, 2011 Census

EthnicityAbdn CityAbdn shireMorayGrampianScotland
Owner-OccupiedEthnic Minority30%46%40%39%45%
Social RentedScottish/British23%13%18%18%22%
Social RentedEthnic Minority20%14%12%15%18%
Private Rented Scottish/British12%9%14%12%11%
Private Rented Ethnic Minority50%40%48%46%37%


Ethnic Minority

Owner Occupied
Social Rented
Private Rented

Note: ‘Ethnic minority’ includes all non-‘white’ ethnic groups, plus White Irish, White Gypsy/Traveller, White Polish and White Other.

Data Source:  2011, Scotland’s Census 2011, Table DC4214SCca.